Neel Ali Perdue, Piano
2023 Accomplishments
First Prize, Charleston International Competition
Bronze Prize, AIMA 2023
First Prize, Beethoven Young Musician Competition
Second Prize, American Prodigy Competition
Neel Jain, Piano
Crescendo International Music Competition, First Prize, 2020, 2021, 2022; Little Mozart International Competition, First Prize, 2020, 2021, 2022; London Young Musicians, Gold Award 2021, 2022, Annual Star Award, 2022
Heidi Xin-Er Hager, Voice
Hal Leonard Vocal Competition 2022 Art Song Children's Voices, First place;
American Protégé International Vocal Competition 2021, Classical Repertoire, First Place;
American Protégé International Vocal Competition 2021, Musical Theatre, First Place;
Daniel Chung, Piano
First Prize, Charleston International Competition
Third Prize, International Young Artist Piano Competition, 2023
Gran Prix Winner in Rising Stars Competition, 2019
First Prize, International Young Artist Piano Competition, 2019
Grand Prix, New York Concert Festival, 2018
First Prize, Elite International Music Competition, 2018
First Prize, Maryland State Competitions, 2019 and 2018
William Hsieh, Piano
2023 Accomplishments
First Prize, Misbin Family Memorial Chamber Music Competition
First Prize, Miriam Gottlieb Piano Competition
Second Prize, Charlotte Nachman Junior Piano Competition
First Prize and Best Performance of a Chinese Piece, International Young Artist Piano Competition
Gold Medalist, the 12th Seattle International Piano Festival (SIPF) Classical Viennese Festival
Walter H. Brobson, Piano
2021 and 2022 winner of the Rockville Competition
2020 winner of the 35th International Young Artist Piano Competition for the Ingrid Mongini Prize for best performance of an original Chinese piano music piece in his age group
2021 winner of the 36th International Young Artist Piano Competition and winner for the Ingrid Mongini Prize for the best performance of an original Chinese piano music piece in his age group
First place in the 2022 Miriam Shields Gottlieb Memorial Piano Competition
NVMTA - Bach-Baroque Competition 2022 - Honors Recital