We are proud to offer a world-class education at affordable rates with flexible payment options.
Tuition can be paid per semester (18 classes, discounted tuition, offered on a perpetual basis), or month-to-month.
We are proud to offer a world-class education at affordable rates with flexible payment options.
Tuition can be paid per semester (18 classes, discounted tuition, offered on a perpetual basis), or month-to-month.
Rates per semester come with a 5% discount!
A semester consists of 18 weekly lessons. You are able to join, or to switch to semester subscription at any time.
30 minutes: $855, if paid by check or cash
45 minutes: $1,282, if paid by check or cash
60 minutes: $1,710, if paid by check or cash
30 minutes: $880, if paid by card
45 minutes: $1,320, if paid by card
60 minutes: $1,760, if paid by card
Non-discounted month-to-month rates (4 lessons):
30 minutes: $200, if paid by check or cash
45 minutes: $300, if paid by check or cash
60 minutes: $400, if paid by check or cash
30 minutes: $206, if paid by card
45 minutes: $309, if paid by card
60 minutes: $412, if paid by card
Group lessons are offered for music theory, solfege, ear training and music literature subjects only. All instrument and voice lessons are individual. We believe each student must receive an undivided attention from our master teachers, in order to ensure rapid progress and quality learning.
Per semester
A semester consists of 18 weekly lessons. If joining us mid-term, please ask for prorated options.
60 minutes: $720
Month-to-month (4 lessons)
60 minutes: $160 ($40 per lesson)
$30 registration fee for all new students.
$20 late payment fee. Monthly tuition is due on the first day of the month. There is a grace period of ten days, after which the late payment fee may be applied.
$50 penalty for each bounced check.
Other optional events and activities, such as master classes, seminars, lectures, recitals, workshops, etc., are not covered by the tuition. Attendance of these events is optional and at the discretion of students and their families.
Our policies help ensure everyone is treated fairly and equally.
Registration is considered complete only when then tuition payment plus the registration fee has been received by EAA. Only those who have completed the registration process may begin studying at EAA at a set regular lesson time. Attending classes or informing instructors of intent to register does not constitute registering for courses.
All purchased lessons must take place by the end of the term. No credits or refunds will be provided after the term ends. All lessons and classes take place within the EAA premises - no EAA teaching may take place in faculty or students’ homes.
EAA does send out email reminders to help students and families remember when the registration for the following semester is open; you can always check in with the office if you have questions about start dates and payments. While we try to accommodate student and parent requests for a specific teacher or a time slot, those are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Stop by the Office to pay in person or call EAA at 571-248-1474 to arrange a payment. We need your e-mail address to send the registration package, payment receipt and pertaining forms.
Private Lessons: EAA instructors are happy to provide one make-up over the course of the semester, provided that 24 hour notice was given to the EAA Office. EAA cannot credit lessons from one semester to the next; all lessons must take place within the registered semester. Make-ups will be provided for all lessons missed due to faculty absence. Please note that EAA office reserves the right to find other replacement faculty for the make-up lesson (s). No make-ups are available to students who pay on a monthly basis.
Group Classes, Ensembles: No make-ups for individual students who miss a group or ensemble class. In the event that a group class is cancelled by the teacher, we will add an additional make-up class at the end of the term.
All delays or closures to due to inclement weather will posted online, or call the EAA Office at 571-248-1474. EAA does not make individual calls to students if and when EAA is closed - please call or check the website to confirm EAA winter weather closures. Private lessons, group classes and ensemble coaching cancelled due to weather will be made up at the end of the term.
Private Lessons:
The EAA Office must be notified by the day of the third lesson of intent to withdraw. The refund will be 80% of the unused tuition - no refund shall be issued after the 3rd lesson of the term. This privilege is reserved only for those students who register for the entire semester.
Group Classes: There are no refunds for group classes, ensembles, workshops/master classes or other group programs/activities.
Cancellation of Classes and Ensembles: Please note that EAA reserves the right to cancel any class or ensemble due to insufficient enrollment.
EAA may take photographs of classes, lessons, recitals and events for promotional use in online and print materials. It is our policy not to include the names of children in any captions. If you would like us to not use any images of yourself or a family member, please let us know in writing or by email.