June 16-20, 23-27, June 30-July 4, July 7-11

 The European Academy of Arts presents summer piano, violin, guitar, voice and art camps, led by master teachers, a graduates . This program is one-week long (Monday - Friday) and will consist of several classes.

  • Violin, guitar, voice technique workshop (9 am - 10:30 am) - during this class students shall focus on improving their playing technique, and practice a piece. They will be expected to play the piece at the recital on Friday, the last day of the workshop.

  • Keyboard skills workshop for pianists (9 am - 10:30 am) - during this class students shall focus on sight-reading, reviewing scales and arpeggios, transposition, analysis, basics of harmony, playing cadences and sequences, learning to improve their command of the piano keyboard and acquire the necessary foundations for understanding the music. This class shall be arranged in three age groups (youngest, up to 7 years of age, ages 8-12, and ages 13+).

  • Art workshop - a group class for those who elect to study art, instead of individual lessons, (10:30 am - 12:30 pm).

  • Individual lessons and supervised practice, (10:30 am - 12:30 pm) - during this time slot students shall receive individual lessons and practice.

  • Music history and Performance practice class (1 pm - 2 pm) - this class is designed to significantly advance student’s violin playing, sight reading, understanding of different styles, as well as to increase the memorization skills. 


Please contact for more information and to register for the camps.


The payment for the course can be made here:, or by check, payable to “The European Academy of Arts”.